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Hunters Envy

Hunters Envy
Riley Ferguson - Business Operations & Property Manager
10055 Dragonfly Run
Mims, FL 32754

Contact Info:
Office: (321) 333-5700



Hunters Envy’s Ranch is a 2,600-acre ranch located on Lake Harney in Mims, FL. There is an abundance of wildlife on the ranch. The ranch is full of many land-dwelling animals including Whitetail Deer, Osceola Turkey, Wild Boar, Black Bear, Alligators, Peacock, and much more. There are also multiple species of waterfowl, predatory birds, and insects. The property features forested wetlands, prairies, cypress domes, and a unique Salt Marsh area. It truly feels like you are visiting several different continents within the property. The property is home to many of our Nation’s National birds, The Bald Eagle. We currently offer Osceola Turkey, and Wild Boar hunts.